Architectural Review Committee Information

Owners must submit an application to the Ticonderoga Architectural Review Committee (ARC) AND receive approval from ARC before construction projects begin on their property.  Depending on the type of construction project, a fee may also be required with the application to cover expected wear and tear caused to Ticonderoga Roads.

See below for description of each type of application.  Click on green button to open required application and follow instructions.  Any questions can be directed to James Garcia (ARC Committee Chair).  See below for ARC contact info.

Follow instructions on application and submit to Paul Edwards (  If payment is required, a check will need to be sent to Paul.  The PayPal tool can also be used for payment.  Work with Paul on how to get payment transferred.

In addition, the application should be sent to all members of ARC:  James Garcia (Committee Chair)

                                                                                                        Benny Sandoval

                                                                                                        Grant Allen  

                                                                                                       Click here for ARC contact info.

​Use this application if building new home.  Include with this application all required submission materials (see page two of application.  Fee: $1000

Use this application for Property modifications such as additions to already existing home (i.e. garage, siding changes), utility installations to vacant property, large landscaping / tree cutting projects.  See page two of application for required submission materials.  Fee: $400

Use this application for minor property upgrades and maintenance projects such as shed installation, roof repair, painting, etc...  See application for other projects.  See page two for required submission materials.  Fee: $0

ARC will grant approval for projects based on existing Ticonderoga approved protective covenants. Click Below:

Ticonderoga owners association